Our CE Bundles are perfect if you're interested in learning about specific topics in a variety of formats at a discounted price. Choose from bundles containing all self-study courses, all webinars, or a combination of each. Current Bundles include:

How It Works:

You will be automatically enrolled in the Bundle's activities after completing your purchase. To access the activities in your Bundle:

  1. Navigate to the "My Courses" folder in the top menu of ce.todaysdietitian.com.
  2. Click on "Completed Activities."
  3. Click on the name of the Bundle.
  4. Click on each activity name to complete it.

CEUs and certificates of completion will be awarded after you receive a passing score of 80% or better on the activity's quiz (if applicable) and the activity's evaluation is completed.  

Need help?

If you need help or have questions, contact us

Want to save even more?

Become a CE Club Member to get 50% savings on a variety of CE opportunities year-round!


*No exchanges or refunds on Final Sale bundles. Be sure to check each activity's expiration date within the Bundle before making your purchase.