

Includes both The Plant-Powered Diet and Plant-Powered for Life by Sharon Palmer, RDN.

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Plant-Powered Diet: The Lifelong Eating Plan for Achieving Optimal Health, Beginning Today

Learn how to power up on a wide array of whole plant foods, whether you're an omnivore, vegetarian or vegan with the EXCLUSIVE AUTOGRAPHED EDITION of The Plant-Powered Diet with 75 plant-based recipes, and a 14-day plan for getting started by Sharon Palmer, RDN.

Hundreds of studies lead to this one conclusion: The healthiest diet on the planet is a plant-based diet. Now, for everyone from omnivores who want to cut back on the meat and eat more vegetables, to vegans looking to benefit even more from the healthiest plant foods, The Plant-Powered Diet meets all readers wherever they are.

An authoritative 14-day program for organizing one's daily diet around health-promoting, plant-based foods, it explains the dramatic benefits of eating more plants, provides an all-in-one guide to re-engineering one's diet, day by day, and culminates with 75 original recipes, for every meal-all with complete nutritional data.


Plant-Powered for Life: Eat Your Way to Lasting Health with 52 Simple Steps and 125 Delicious Recipes

Plant-Powered for Life is a cookbook-slash-handbook to help anybody make plant-powered eating a habit and enjoy lasting, vibrant health—the fun way! In Plant-Powered for Life, Sharon Palmer, RDN presents a straightforward, delicious way to meet the challenge. She urges readers to set a personal goal and take one step closer to it every week. Each chapter—from “Aim for at least 6 servings of veggies” to “Give sprouted grains a try”—includes a call to action, a clear, concise explanation, and two to three globally inspired recipes,  which cover every meal, course, and season. With this guide, anyone can forge new habits, cook great food, and enjoy a healthy plant-powered life—one tasty step at a time



About the Author

Sharon received her Bachelor of Sciences Degree with Honors from Loma Linda University, California. She enjoyed a diverse 16-year dietetics career with experiences as a clinical dietitian, wellness dietitian, chief clinical dietitian, food and nutrition services director, and consultant dietitian. These positions allowed her to provide nutrition counseling and feed delicious meals to thousands of people. Over the past ten years, Sharon has focused her attention on writing, authoring over 750 articles for a variety of publications. In addition, she is the editor of the award-winning health newsletter Environmental Nutrition, contributing editor for Today’s Dietitian and author of the blog, The Plant-Powered Dietitian. Learn more about Sharon on her website www.sharonpalmer.com.


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