Today’s Dietitian Magazine is the only magazine written specifically for registered dietitians and nutrition professionals. With more than two decades of experience serving this influential professional community, TD is renowned for being the most reliable resource for nutrition trends, education, private practice advice, news, and information.
A one-page query, abstract, or outline of your story idea is preferred. Please email your proposal to the contact below. A submitted query, abstract, or outline will be read only if the email includes the author's full name, credentials, academic degree, title, and affiliation (if any), postal address, daytime phone number, and email address. (Information is for verification, not for publication.)
Click here to view our Writer's Guidelines for magazine articles. Please contact the Continuing Education Team for detailed submission instructions for CE course ideas or suggestions.
- Continuing Education articles: email the Director of Professional Development, Leslie Cimei, at [email protected].
- Magazine articles: email the editor, Judy Riddle, at [email protected]