Recorded Symposium Session: Fuels of Engagement: Applying Science to the Athlete's Plate Using Effective Communication Strategies

Talking about performance nutrition is in the ear of the listener and the mouth of the communicator. In this session, Leslie Bonci will take a deep dive into the objective analysis of facts that form judgments as we communicate to our clients, our students, and the public. RDs need to expect misperception, earn trust, and meet people where they are. Fad diets, food trends, sports nutrition strategies, super foods, the role of supplements and food bullying are topics that lend themselves to critical thinking communication. So, how can we take a step back and enable, empower and educate others while helping them close their knowledge gap with words that make an impact?

Learning Objectives

After attending this session, nutrition professionals should be able to:

  1. Learn how to use and optimize critical thinking skills in communicating with and counseling athletes. 
  2. Translate trendy and fad eating patterns into effective and personalized nutrition guidance. 
  3. Incorporate evidence-based science into recommendations concerning  physiology, physique, and performance.

Additional Information

Suggested CDR Learning Codes: 
2110, 4060, 6010
Suggested CDR Performance Indicators: 
2.1.2, 4.1.1, 6.2.3, 8.2.4
CDR Activity Type: 
CPE Level: 
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 CDR
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Leslie J. Bonci , MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN, is the owner of Active Eating Advice - be fit, fed, fearless - a nutrition consulting company and is the co-founder of Performance365 - a sports nutrition consulting company. Her clients include The National Dairy Council, California Prune Board, Douglas Lab, General Mills, Potatoes USA, The National Peanut Board, Produce for Better Health, Sodexo, The Mushroom Council, and the Wonderful Brands. Leslie is a member of the L.E.A.D network for Bayer, formerly Monsanto.

Leslie is currently the sports nutrition consultant for the Kansas City Chiefs and the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. Her company Performance 365 will provide sports nutrition services for the XFL the new football league starting in 2020. She was the sports dietitian for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Pittsburgh Steelers, Toronto Blue Jays, and has also worked with the Pittsburgh Penguins, University of Pittsburgh Department of Athletics, and the Washington Nationals.

She is the author of Sport Nutrition for Coaches, the American Dietetic Association’s Guide to Better Digestion, and co-author of Run Your Butt Off, Walk Your Butt Off, The Active Calorie Diet and Bike Your Butt Off. Leslie has authored numerous chapters for sports medicine and sports nutrition manuals, and she’s also a blogger for US News and World Report Eat + Run. She has a monthly television segment, “The Winning Plate” on KDKA-TV, Pittsburgh “Today Live” show, as well as guest spots on Sirius Dr Radio and KDKA radio in Pittsburgh.

Leslie is an adjunct instructor in the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and lectures extensively at universities and corporations.

The presenter reports the following relevant disclosures: California Prune Board, National Dairy Council, Potatoes USA, Klean Athlete, Bayer. She has certified that no conflict of interest exists for this program. View our disclosure policy.

Available Credit

  • 1.00 CDR


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