A Low-Histamine Diet: Health Trend or Hype?

This continuing education course examines the evidence surrounding a low-histamine diet and histamine intolerance and explores when and how a nutrition professional may help patients implement a low-histamine diet.

Learning Objectives

After completing this continuing education course, nutrition professionals should be better able to:

  1. Distinguish between histamine intoxication and histamine intolerance and discuss when a low-histamine diet may play a therapeutic role.
  2. Identify patients at risk of histamine intolerance based on current research.
  3. Critique the available data on histamine levels in foods and name the limitations and contradictions.
  4. Outline the protocol to implement a low-histamine diet elimination and reintroduction plan.
  5. Assess the potential efficacy of supplements intended to ameliorate symptoms in patients with histamine intolerance.

Additional Information

Suggested CDR Performance Indicators: 
10.2.1, 10.2.7, 10.2.9, 10.3.7
CDR Activity Type: 
CPE Level: 
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 2.00 CDR
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
CE Club cost:
CE Club cost:

Cheryl Harris, MPH, RDN, is a digestive health expert in private practice in Fairfax, Virginia. 

The author has no relevant disclosures to report regarding this program. She has certified that no conflict of interest exists for this program. View our disclosure policy.

Available Credit

  • 2.00 CDR


CE Club cost:
CE Club cost:
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